
84777 Charlottes Way,
Eugene, OR, 97405
541.687.4899 Ph

LE-16 Pheonix model rocket manual  
 $69.95   LE-16
Skill Level:
15" Nylon  parachute
Length: 16.625.00 in.
Diameter: 1.637 in.
Weight: 120 Grams
Approx Altitude:
1500 feet
 C6-3, C6-5, D13-7W, D24-7T


Phoenix model LE-16 parts list Electronics Kit  
Battery holder blueprint
The Phoenix comes with 15 Super Bright (7800 Lumen Intensity) LED beacons, 3 High Intensity aft LED beacons and a micro electronics module to flash the LEDs in a sequential pattern. The LED beacons allow the Phoenix to be flown Day or Night. Phoenix combines a precision model rocket kit with an onboard electronics kit allowing the modeler to explore Rocketry, Electronics and System Integration all in one exciting kit.
Related Item compatible with thePhoenix
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